Pastor’s message:
There’s something about Central! We adopted this motto for our 150th Anniversary in 2003, and it’s still true. Our building stands in the heart of ethnically and economically diverse Jamaica Plain. Our congregation includes some who have been attending Central since the 1930s and some who were born almost yesterday. Our ethnic heritages range from Cape Verde and Brazil through Nigeria and Ireland to England and Native American. Our worship excitingly blends well-known Protestant hymns with Anglican and Taize chant, African-American spirituals, and contemporary Christian choir music.
Central is in a time of transition, seeking its new settled pastor. Member-volunteers are working very hard at managing the building and finances, planning new programs, and caring for the needs of others. Each visitor is warmly welcomed, regardless of age, sex, gender identity, income, disability, or sexual orientation–just as Jesus welcomed everyone to his teaching and healing. Our building is used seven days a week, by three other worship communities, by yoga and meditation classes, by Alanon and the JP Arts Council. Our goal is to deepen our community outreach through arts events and innovative worship.
Thanks to the power of the Spirit, there’s something about Central. Come and find out for yourself!